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The main reason for the sliding of the workpiece is :

  1. The mater jaw stroke is insufficient: Make arrangement such that when workpiece is chucked, the master jaw will be in the neighborhood of the strike center to ensure the clamping force is sufficient.
  2. Chucking force is insufficient: Confirm whether the set hydraulic pressure is reached.
  3. Formed dia of the top jaw does not match workpiece dia.: Perform reforming based on correct forming method.
  4. Cutting force excessively high: Recalculate cutting force and confirm whether the force methods chuck specifications.
  5. Insufficient lubrication on master jaws and each slideway: After re-lubricating the parts, perform lubrication from the grease nipple and perform chucking operation of pawls several times with no workpiece held in the chuck.
  6. Speed is excessively high: The higher rotary speed, the smaller clamping force. It is recommended to reduce speed to the level where necessary chucking force can be obtained.