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In response to the impact of climate change, Di Chun actively implements corporate sustainable development goals, autonomously promoting greenhouse gas inventory and carbon reduction operations. In October 2023, Di Chun successfully passed the third-party verification by AFNOR ASIA, obtaining the ISO 14064-1 certification.

Di Chun has consistently upheld the brand spirit of "Pursue Excellence, strive for Perfection," demonstrating a firm commitment to sustainable development. As a chuck manufacturer, we place importance on our environmental responsibility, taking the lead in conducting greenhouse gas inventories to accurately grasp internal greenhouse gas emission data. We will continue to maintain these efforts, effectively reduce greenhouse gas emissions, work towards carbon neutrality, strengthen our commitment to sustainability, and support global climate actions. Together, we contribute to corporate sustainable management, putting concerted efforts into caring for our planet.

Di Chun will continue to move forward, realizing mutual prosperity and goodness with the environment.